Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Do you know that sadness slows down life?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
100 things I want to do before I die
- Travel to Prag
- Travel to St.Petersburg
- Watch balet
- See circus
- Ride an elephant
- Go to Egypt
- Go to Italy (done)
- See Louvre again
- See Hollywood (done)
- Learn Russian language
- Learn to swim (in case I marry a seaman)
- Go on the cruise
- Write a book or biography
- Meet Johnny Depp (could be Gerard Butler too, at least he is single :))
- Visit a big Zoo park
- Marry a prince (I mean real royal prince)
- Have a twin baby (actually this is a priority!!)
- Own a reklam agency (named as 'Birds')
- Build a school in my hometown
- Become a millionaire (alternative: marry a millionaire :))
- See Pyramids
- Grow an apple garden
- Own an Audi A6 and/or Toyoto Camry
- Buy a house for my mom and dad
- Become an astronaut (replaced by: travel to space)
- Plant 1000 trees in Gobi
- Stay a night in a hotel in Tokyo
- See Black Sea
- Buy all seasons of Scrubs and That '70s Show
- Have a huge collection of movies and books
- Visit largest tulip garden in the world (where is it?)
- Be a housewife for some time (to find time to watch all series I like :P )
- Visit Twilight filming set
- Travel to Arizona
- See a big water fall
- Have a 'perfect' kitchen
- Have 2 boys and 1 girl
- Become CEO
- Get a watch that is not alergic to me
- Buy 3rd and 4th book of Twilight Saga
- Overcome my flight-fobby
- Work as volunteer
- Found a community center
- ...
to be continued
Gerard Butler-d gemgui durlasan ni

Jishee ni Dear Frankie deer negen helgui-dulii huugiin tuhai gardag. Eej ni aaviig ni dalaid usan ongotsoor ayaldag gej heleed aavdaa zahia bich gene. Getel eej ni ooroo huugiinhee bichsen zahianuudiig shuudangaas avaad aaviinh ni ornoos hariu bichdeg. Huu ni bolhoor aav ni bichij bna gej bodood... Neg odor aaviinh ni ayaldag usan ongots Glasgov-d ireh bolood, getel unendee aav ni ter ongotson deer ajilladaggui. Tegeed eej ni neg tanihgui zaluud mongo tolood neg odor huugiinhee aav ni bolj jujigleech gedeg.

Phantom of the Opera musical bsaniig bas medsengui. Hichneen musical-d durtai ch gesen ene kinog uzej baihdaa araitai l untchihsangui. Gerard Butler-n tolood l guriilee. Tuunii sexy duu hooloi untsan bol zuudend oroh bsan bh :)) Avyaslag jujigchin yumaa, duulchina ch... Neeh goy hooloitoi bish her ni setgeliin hodolgoonoo duuniihaa ongoor ilerhiilj chadaj bgaa bolhoor bolchij bgaa yum. Gol duriin huuhen ni (Emmy Rossum) harin goy duuldag yum bilee. Kino ni Andrew Lloyd Webber-n adil nertei zohioloos hiigdsen bolhoor ijilhen tuuhtei. Paris-n neg opera sunstei gegdeh. Ter suns darga nariig ni ailgaj mongo avdag. Neg odor gol duriin duuchin ni nyamba gargan duulahgui gehed balet ohiduudiin neg orond ni duulahaar boldog. Ter ohin aygui goy duulaad, humuus tuuniig dahij sonsohiin tuld dahin dahin irtsgeedeg. Getel opera-n suns ter ohinii duunii bagsh bh. Tegeed shavidaa durlaj murlaad, hardaad suit zaluugaas ni salgah gej oroldood ene ter. Gehdee suuldee amar saihandaa duusdag l daa.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Happy Birthday!

He is obsessed with truth... So if you are not sure about something you should not argue about it with him. His best friend is Wikipedia.
He likes reading... He is a real bookworm. He has 10 bags of books in storage and a shelf full of books in his small room. He reads history, biography and fantasy books. The latest history book he read was about Chinggis Khaan and Mongolian history. Currently reading Napolean's boigraphy and waiting for next series of fantasy book Games of Thrones. Again he said he would never read Twilight series or Gone with the Wind. Prejudice.
He doesn't collect things. His only collection would be letters and post cards that his gf has send to him.
He likes rock but also Johnny Cash. His mp3 is full of Metallica, Iron Maid, Guns'N Roses... and all cd's of Johnny Cash. He doesn't listen to all of them but he has tausands of songs stored in his computer.
He likes cooking... And he is a good cook too. He follows recipe strictly when cooking and somehow his food turns out to be the most delicious. His favortie meal is all kind of meat, mm except stomach. And he eats fast food like burgers and pizzas alot. He doesn't like vegetables, especially mushroom, broccoli and cabbage. He likes to bake cakes, cookies and pies. He enjoys good food and good drink like fine quality wine or whisky.
He likes travelling... He has been to most of Europe and wants to travel to USA. He likes historical places that's why he turned with 7 rolls of pictures of ruins and stones from Turkey. He would also like to spend summer camping around mountains or sailing around on the sea to be with nature. He would enjoy a moment sitting on top of the mountain, eating dried meat and watching sunset.
He is addicted to pc games... He has played World of Warcraft many times and likes to play the games that give you power of conquering, leading and rule. He tried to conquer China with Mongolian army many times with unsuccessful results. His current addiction is Travian where you build your own city and such.
He has a hidden talent of drawing... especially flowers and hearts.
He is an individualistic person but when it matters he can be a good family member and a good friend. He would like to stay single till age 40 and spend all his time working, travelling, and enjoying life. He doesn't like kids because he thinks kids are evil and bad behaving.
He prefers to be with small (to show weakness of feminity) but strong (to be able to stand on her own) woman. But he would rather like to be seen with above average woman, you know what i mean, like those women you would turn your head to look at them when you see them downtown.
Happy Birthday my friend! May all your good dreams come true!....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Wordle - Ugen uul buteeh
Doorh 'Risk' gej shulgeer buteesen ugen uul maani:
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before the crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, has nothing, is nothing. He or she may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he or she simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, Chained by their certitudes, they are a slave, they have forfeited freedom. Only a person who risks is truly free.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Хөөрхөн дүү маань охинтой болжээ...

Friday, April 17, 2009
My dream - Minii moroodol, minii zuud

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tovchhondoo tuuh ni: Lady Ashley (Nicole Kidman) bayan angli huuhen bogood nohor ni Australia-d Faraway Downs geed jijig gazar ezemshdeg yum bna l da. Lady Ashley nohoroo ter edlen gazaraa zar gej yatgahiin tuld Australid irdeg bolovch irsen odor ni nohor ni alagdsan baihiig olj meddeg. Tegeed nohoroo orshuulshihaad gazaraa zaraad butsahiin orond tendee uldej nohriinhoo hiij bsan zuiliig hiij duusgana gej shiiddeg. Ter ni yu ve gevel tsergiin armid mah niiluuleh. Tedniih 1500 sureg uhertei bolovch nohriig ni alsan humuus uhriig ni talaar ned taraachihsan. Yaj tsugluulah ve ged. Tegeed Drover (Hugh Jackman) geed mal tuudag zaluu tuslahaar bolood... Getel 1500 uhriig tuuhad hunii too ni hurehgui. Edlen gazartaa ajilladag tuslagch emegtei nar, togooch, nyagtlan bodogch geed buh humuusiig daichlana. Lady Ashley ooroo ch gesen mori unaad uhree tuudag. Za baiz, bas neg gol zuiliig martah gej bna. Ene kino ni bas Australiin uuguul nutgiinhnii tuhai oguuldeg yum. Ter uyed har bolon tsagaan hunii dundaas garsan huuhdiig "creamy" geed eej aavaas ni salgan Burhanii gart gesen nerteigeer neg aral ruu avaachaad christianity-d surgadag bj l de. Faraway Downs-d ajilladag neg nutgiin huuhnii huuhed ni creamy geed tsagdaa nar dandaa irj avch yavah gedeg. Zarimdaa nuugdaad, zarimdaa zugtaad. Gehdee Lady Ashley irsenees hoish ter joohon huug ooriinhoo halmajind avaad, tsagdaa nart hahuul ogood amar saihandaa suuj bsan chin genet dain bolood (yaponuud dairaad), huuhdiig ni tsagdaa nar bariad nogoo aral ruu yavuulchihdag. Getel ter aral ruu ni yaponuud hamgiin turuund dairaad, bombogdood.... Lady Ashley-n ajillaj bsan gazar bas bombogond ortood shatchihsan chin humuus tuuniig bas uhsen geed bodchihdog. Getel ter uhsen hun ni Lady Ashley bish hamt ajilladag huuhen ni bdag yum. Ene hoorond Drover boyvikdoj usan zaviar ochij huuhduudiig yaponchuudiin ezelsen arlaas avraad... Neeree l dramatic...
Kinonii ehnii hagas ni uil yavdalaaraa goy. Ter uher tuudag heseg ni hamgiin goy heseg. Esreg taliihan ted nariig zogsooh gej oroldood, zamd ni tuimer taviad, usiig ni horduulaad eder. Gehdee manaihan aborijin (nutgiin humuusiin) tuslamjtaigaar ter bugdiig ni davaad garch bgam.
Påsk - Swedish Easter
Påsk-nii neg ontslog ni "godis" geed chiher ih ideh. 3 honog chiher ideed shud ch balarsan bhaa.
Amraltiin odor 3 kino uzsen yum bna. Australia, Slumdog Millionaire, Bram Stroker's Dracula. Odor ni gadaa suuj narlaad, oroi ni hashaandaa grill hiisen yum bna. Neeree ter grill-n joriig ni Anxaad ogoh yum shu. Ih hyalbarhan mortoloo goy amttai bolson bsan. Gahain mah, bacon, hataasan pomidor bolon amtlagch hereglene. Gahain mahan dotroo hataasan pomidoroo hiigeed ter mahaa bacon-r oroogood tegeed grill deeree taviad sharchih yum bna lee.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Long Friday
Thursday, April 09, 2009
MK's version of Rome
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Romantic Rome
Romed minii uzeh gej temuulsen hamgiin ehnii gazar. Uneheer goy gazar bna lee. Goy barimluud bolon usan orgiluur....yag minii durtai gazar :) Herev ene usan orgiluurd zoos shideh yum bol Rome ruu dahij irdeg gedeg yum bna. Herev 2 zoos shidvel Itali zaluud durladag, 3 zoos shidvel ter durlasan zaluutaigaa gerledeg gesen tuuhtei yum bilee. Bi erdoo negiig l shidsen gsn hehehe. PS: Itali zaluus taalagdaaagui :P
Hediigeer margaash ni 3 sariin 31 buyu buh musei unegui neegdeh odor bsan bolovch hun ihtei bolno baih ged Vatican museig onoodor uzeheer shiidev. Vatican musei hediigeer olon uzmertei goy ch gesen yag uneniig helehed Louvre museig guitsehgui yum bile. Yaj ch guitseh ve de... Louvre my number one gsn heheh. Louvre-d urlagiin buteel myangan torlooroo bh bol Vatican-d golduu Christian ursgaliin uzmeruud bh yum bilee. Medeejeer tiimuu.
Ene odriin aylalaa ertnii Romed zoriulahaar shiidev. Tiimees hotiin gadna orshih Appa Antica buyu hamgiin ertnii tov zamaar walking tour hiiher bolov.