Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Bargain Store

Dolly Parton - The Bargain Store

My life is like unto a bargain store
Миний амьдрал үнэ хаялцах дэлгүүр шиг
And I may have just what you're lookin' for
Магадгүй таны хайж буй зүйл чинь манайд бий
If you don't mind the fact that all the merchandise is used
Хэрэв та бүх барааг хэрэглэгдсэн гэхгүй бол
But with a little mending it could be as good as new
Гэхдээ жоохон л засчих юм бол шинэ юм шиг л сайн болчихно

Why you take for instance this old broken heart
Жишээ нь яагаад энэ эмтэрсэн зүрхийг авах гэж
If you will just replace the missing parts
Хэрэв дутуу хэсгүүдийг нь олчих юм бол
You would be surprised to find how good it really is
Та түүнийг ямар сайн болохыг нь гайхах болно
Take it and you never will be sorry that you did
Авсандаа та харамсахгүй болно

The bargain store is open come inside
Үнэ хаялцах дэлгүүр нээлттэй, ороод ир
You can easily afford the price
Үнийг нь та төлж чадна
Love is all you need to purchase all the merchandise
Xайр л байхад хангалттай бүх барааг худалдаж авахад
And I will guarantee you'll be completely satisfied
Би танд сэтгэл хангалуун байх болно гэдэгт баталгаа гаргаж өгөх болно

Take these old used memories from the past
Өнгөрсөн цагийн энэ хуучин дурсамжуудыг ав
And these broken dreams and plans that didn't last
Биелэгдээгүй энэ мөрөөдлүүдийг ч ав
I'll trade them for a future, I can't use them anymore
Би тэдгээрийг ирээдүйгээр арилжих болно, би тэдгээрийг дахиж хэрэглэхгүй
I've wasted love but I still have some more
Би хайрыг үрж дуусгасан гэхдээ надад жоохон үлдсэн

The bargain store is open come inside
You can easily afford the price
Love is all you need to purchase all the merchandise
And I can guarantee you'll be completely satisfied

My life is like unto a bargain store
And I may have just what you're lookin' for
If you don't mind the fact that all the merchandise is used
With a little mendin' it could be as good as new

The bargain store is open, come inside
The bargain store is open, come inside

Lyrics | Dolly Parton lyrics - The Bargain Store lyrics

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