Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Ene jil Midsommar yaj temdegledegiig uzeed ter tuhai bichne gej bodoj tolovloj baisan bolovch yavah beltgel hiigeed aimaar zavgui, gaduur garch yun temdeglelt yoslol uzeh baitugai gertee suugaad yum bichih ch zav oldsongui. Midsommar-n tuhai Swed hel ba soyol hicheel deer zaaj baisan yum.
Midsommar buyu zunii dund odor ni (odor shono tentsdeg odor) Swediin hamgiin ertnii bogood hamgiin chuhal ulamjlalt bayruudiin neg yum. Sweded jil bolgon 6 sariin 19-26 hoorond taaraldsan 5;6-dah odruuded temdeglegddeg. Midsommar Christ-n omnoh uyes uudeltei, golduu hoid Europiin ornuudad orgon temdeglegddeg yum baina. Tiimees ch midsommer shono ni id shidtei shono geed humuus tsetseg tuudeg gesen. Yanz buriin tsetseg nogoo id shidtei, anagaah uvidastai bolchihdog yum bailgui. Zaluu ohid ch gesen ene shono deren dooroo 7;8 torliin tsetseg hiij untahaar ireeduigee hardag gedeg yum ble. Midsommar odor ni Christmas, Valborg geh met busad odruud adil idej uuj orgon temdeglegddeg. Medeej sill geed muuhai amttai zagasaa köttbullar geed mahan bombologteigee idne. Uunees gadna fresh potatoes geed jijig jijig anhnii urgatsiin toms idne. Ter toms ni ih goy amttai. Mon guzeelzgene idej ehelne.

Midsommar-r maypole geed mod bosgoj baigaad tuuniigee toiron duulj bujigledeg gesen. Ene jil bi ter bujig yosloloos ni hotsorson bna lee. Temdegledeg gazar ni yavaad ochson chin gants gozoison modnoos oor yum bgaagui (deerh zurag).

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Team Jacob

So finally I got Eclipse and Breaking Dawn as birthday presents. I started reading Eclipse but starting and finishing were almost same. After all that Edward-turned-and-Bella-house-arrested things the story started to be so gripping that I could not lay down the book untill I finished it. As a result of reading New Moon and Eclipse now I am an official fan of Jacob Black. I like the guy who plays Jacob in Twilight movie too. Taylor Lautner is only 17 years and so deliciously cute :) I like him a lot since I saw how he acted on the MTV Movie Awards when he appeared to present New Moon trailor with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. He was nice, cute and humble while the others were acting like they are already celebs.

Now, why I like Jacob? I can give some reasons.

First he is cute. How he cannot be? Or am I deluded by the image of Taylor Lautner?

He is hot. Literally. Due to the werewolf thing his temperature is so high that he does not need to wear so thick clothes, and sometimes no clothes at all... I would say somethings here but I am not a pervert so I shut up :)

He has humor. And perfect smile. White teeth :) I enjoy reading his parts because they are humorous and he uses sarcastic language. I loved 'book two' in Breaking Dawn which is written from Jacob's perspective.

He has confidence to compete with 'the most perfect guy' on the earth. The most perfect guy on the earth is Edward Cullen. But when you read Twilight, Midnight Sun and watch Twilight movie you are manipulated about all the good things about him. I liked Edward in the first place but till he leaves in New Moon and when Jacob comes into focus. It is also annoying that all the time Bella talks about how perfect he is, how nice he smells, how dazzling he is, blah blah blah... People get bored. Jacob loves Bella and even after Edward returns he continues to try hard to get Bella. I like his efforts.

He is loyal. He has never left. Well he tried to leave many times but always came back. He is loyal to his friendship even it hurts him so much.

He is strong, fast, big and hot. C'mon he is werewolf, what else can I say :)

Just see how cute he is :)

Monday, June 08, 2009


Onoodor 27 hurlee geheer itgemeerguimaa. Udahgui 28 hurlee. Nogoo 5 jiliin tolovlogoo maani yu boloh ni ve. Huntei suuj, 2 iher huuhedtei boloh zorilgo maani suumreed bh shig bna :)) Namaig tenej yavtal duu nar hadamlaad duusah ni. Egcheesee uritaj huntei suuj bolohgui gej surduulsen chin hunii ug sonsohgui yuma.. Za tegeed odoo tom bolson huuhduud neg yum bodohtoigoo bgam biz. Bi tednii nasan deer 20toidoo ooriigooo tom bolchloo l geed bodoj bla shd. Getel odoo bodohnoo joohon bjee. Odoo ooriigoo tom bolson geed bodoj bgaa ch heden jiliin daraa bas ingej heleed suuj bh biz, joohon bjee geel :)) Yagaad ch odoo hiisen buh alham, avsan buh shidver amidrald tom alham bolno. Ene nasnaas hoish hoyor udaa amidrah bolomj oldohgui. 18-19 nas arai l zaluu, 20-23,24 nas l id turshiltiin nas yum shig. Ooriigoo halti tom bolchloo gej bodood, amihandaa ooriihoo hol deer zogsoh geed... Gehdee goy l doo, ter uyed aldaj endlee ch gesen zaluu bna geed. Surguuli soyol butelguitvel dahiad ehelne geed, hair durlal butelguitvel dahiad uchirna geed, ajil torol gej tolgoi ovdohgui, parttime summer job ene ter gej end tend alim jims tuugeed. Neg yosnii erh choloo yum daa. Tegeed 25,26 hureed ireheer sanaa zovj ehleh yum. Utgagui sanagdaj magadgui gehdee zarimdaa humuus namaig 'gertee hotsorson emegtei' geed sanaa zovj bna gej boddog bh. Bi toohgui l de tuuniig gehdee oor busad toogood bh yum. Ger buliinhen, ergen toirnii humuus geh met. Ug ni ezgui aral deer gantsaaraa amidarch bval hamgiin az jargal ter bh.. Robinzon ah yamar aztai ve. Tee? Ene nasnaas hoish alham bur tom bolno. Aldaa olon gargaj bolohgui. Hen negniig gomdoovol tuunii araas ooroo guniglana. Hen negend hairgui hernee zovhon ter hun sain geed esvel goy amidarna geed ter huntei gerlene. Ugui bol durgui ajildaa zovhon tsalin saitai geed esvel ner hundtei geed nasaaraa ajillah bolno. It sucks. Zarimdaa ireedui neeh gereltei itgeltei sanagdah zarimdaa buur ch tas harahgui l :(( nogoo heldeg shigee amidraliin tentsver gej..

Tegeed tsag hugatsaa yu ch bolgoh yum bgan medehgui shu de. Onoodor end, margaash haana gsn :)) Gehdee minii bodloor bid nar aztai humuus. Ihenh humuusiin uzeeguig uzsen, duulaaguig duulsan, amidraaguig amidarsan gej. Amidrald talarhah heregtei bh.........

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Sweden's National Day

June 6, 2009 - Eskilstuna, Sweden

Ene odor Swediin undesnii bayar bolon Swed dalbaanii odor bolj tuunii temdeglelt yosloliig uzeh gej Eskilstuna hemeeh hot ruu 2 naiztaigaa yavav. Yund zaaval Eskilstuna yavsan be gevel ene jil ter hotiin 350 jiliin oin bayar bolohoor orgon surteigeer temdeglej deerees ni Swediin haan undesnii bayriin odor irne gesen bolhoor l ter. Haaniig harah, parad uzeh huslentei hun... Barag sar hagasiin omnoos tiishee yavna gej tolovlood bsan yum.

Bidniig 11 tsagiin uyed ochihod bayriin uur amisgal orson, tsag agaar ch saihan nartai (narand huurtagtaj tsamtsaa mashind orhison buruutai), gudamj talbai humuuseer duuren shuud l setgel sergeed yavchihav. Ene odor bas 10-n jiliin togsoltiin odor bolhoor suragchid temdegleh yum gsn. Deer haragdaj bui tsagaan huvtsastai, malgaitai ohiduud togsoltiin bayaraa hiij bgaan ni ter. End tsagaan huvtsas omsoj, tsergiinh shig malgai omsdog sonin zanshiltaim bile.

Husen huleesen moch irj haaniig harav! Gehdee olon hunii ard, userch devhtsej baij l araih gej gegeen duriig ni olj harah shiv de. Haan hatan hoyor yosloliiin hundetgel huleej avch bgaa ni. Swediin haan ni Carl XVI Gustaf, hatan ni Silvia, 3 huuhedtei; ov zalgamjlagch gunj (crown princess) Victoria, hanhuu Carl Philip, baga gunj Madeleine. Haan hatan gunj geed bichsen chin ulger yarij bgaam shig sanagdchihlaa :)

Yosloliin ajilgaanii daraa haanii parad yavj ongoroh beltgel hiiij bgaa ni. Bi ene uyer bichleg hiij bsan bolhoor zurag tataj amjsangui. Haan hatan bolon dagaldah humuus morin tergen deer suuj yavj ongorson.

Dongoj parad yavj eheltel genet boroo orj ehelsen. Udalgui mondor bolson l doo. Bi harj amjaagui gehdee bodvol haan ed nar morin teregneesee buuj mashind suusan bh. Paradnii hogjimchid ni zamaasaa butsaad irsen ni ene.

Swediin dalbaa, tsenher devsger deer shar zagalmaitai. Hagas golloson zagalmai ni Scandinaviin ornuudiin heregledeg symbol yum bna. Finland tsagaan devsger deer tsenher, Denmark ulaan devsger deer tsagaan, Norway ulaan devsger deer tsenher tsagaan zagalmai geh met.
Tsenher shar ongo ni bur 13-r zuunii uyes Swedin ongo bolon hereglegdej irsen yum gene.

Eskilstuna jijig her ni bas goy hot yum bilee. Omno bi neg l udaa irj bsan yum. Ug ni manai surguuliin 2dah campus ni end bairladag bolhoor oyutnuud Eskilstuna bolon Västerås hoorond galt tergeer unegui zorchih erhtei bdag yum. Oyutnii unemlehee uzuuleed l boloo. Galt tergeer 30 min zaitai. Ene hot bas dunduuraa goltoi ustai, huuchnii baishin bolon chuluun gudamjtai. Deer uyed (350 jiliin omno gesen ug) Eskil gedeg nertei neg angli lam end hurch ireed Tuna goliin ereg deer suurishjee. Ter lam Christianity-g delgeruulj bsan bolhoor ter uyiin Viking-uud tuuniig chuluugaar shidej alsan gene. Gehdee ter gazar Christ-n shashind ortsgooj, tegeed daraa ni hot ni Eskil's Tuna gedeg nertei boljee.

10-n jiliin galzuu suragchdiin togsoltoo temdeglej bgaa ni. Boroo zogsson bish ene udaa haanii paradiig harj baysah bish suragchdiin parad harj bayssan ni. Tom tom achaanii mashin chimeed barag tendee party-daj bgaam bishuu. Hogjim changaar taviad, pivo uutsgaagaad boon hoorol bolj bna le. Ene zurganii ariin fon-d Eskilstuna-n hamgiin tom sum haragdaj bna.

Hogjilteim doo :))

Experience the Vikings!
Hotiin park-d baahan maihan barisan bhaar ni sonirhoj ochson bish haana irchvee yu hiichvee gej sandrav... ugui :) Ene humuus Viking (Viking gedeg ni 10,11-r zuuniig hurtel Scandinavt amidarch bsan daichin ard tumen) yaj amidarch bsaniig uzuulen togloj bgaa ni ene gene. Gehdee togloj bna gej helehiin argagui, yag jinhene yum shig. Hajuugaar ni holholdoj bgaa uzegch sonirhogchdiig toolguigeer oorsdiin yumaa hiigeed; toglood, yariad, hool ideed, gal tuleed esvel barildaad geh met.

Ene humuus barag end hed honog amidarsan bhaa :)

Medeej Viking-g Viking-n usan ongotsguigeer tosoolohiin argagui :) Ter tsagaan huvtsastai hun goliin usand ayga, sav suulga ugaaj bsan geed bod doo. Turuun helsen shig gal tuleed, hool hiigeed, hajuugaar yavah humuusiig toolguigeer idej uuj yarij suugaad, tegeed yavj ochood goliin usand aygaa ugaagaad bsan.
Ene odriig ingej neg haan hatan harj, boroo norj mondort tsohuilj, nar garahaar ni halj, boroo orohoor ni daarch, galzuu suragchdiin hoorliiig huvaaltsaj bas Viking uyiin amidraliig mederch ih l sonirholtoi saihan ongoruulev.